[support] Including pictures in drupal contents

A-NO-NE Music madflute at anonemusic.com
Tue Jun 19 17:51:26 UTC 2007

Sauro Cesaretti / 2007/06/19 / 10:05 AM wrote:

>I'd like to know how can I include a picture in a drupal content.
>should I use the normal tag of html <img>, or is there another simplier way?
>How can I establish the position of a picture?
>How can I specify other parameters?

I have exhausted the option, and did it with full html for max control. 
I do use image_assist, but its library isn't that handy when the number
of images grew up more than a couple hundreds :-(


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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