[support] OG publishing permissions.

Richard Bennett richard.b at gritechnologies.com
Wed Jun 20 15:33:46 UTC 2007

I'm having some trouble setting up the publishing permissions with an OG  

The idea is that each group owner is the only one who can publish in his  
group, if other group owners subscribe to his group they can only read it,  
not post, yet each group owner should also have the possibility of posting  
to the main frontpage (or a specific group setup as 'general' and  
displayed on the frontpage)

Basically I'd like to hard-code which group each group-owner can edit (ie,  
their own and the 'general' group), but let them view all groups.

Currently when they subscribe to one of the other groups, it automatically  
appears in the 'Audience' field when they publish a new page.

Thanks for any ideas,

(BTW I read the sample-chapter of 'Pro Drupal development' which was  
great, the book is now on its way across the ocean)

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