[support] Summarize By Day in a View

Fred Jones fredthejonester at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 17:14:09 UTC 2008

I have a view of events which works nicely--three views in fact:

This Week
This Month

The problem is that when there are two events on the same day, something 
breaks. The page should show:

January 8, 2008
  more test

where 'test' and 'more test' are my two events. This it DOES show but 
the HTML is quite broken. What I mean is that my regular HTML code which 
appears for each event (based on the PHP file I made using the Views 
Wizard with Contemplate activated) doesn't show up entirely for the 
second event of that one day--it shows up only partly. Actually most of 
it is missing.

I made here http://tinyurl.com/2qhkcm a link to the actual page and I 
put there the HTML code in question, cleaned up with indents so that you 
can see it and clearly see the issue.

I am a bit lost here. Any ideas?


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