January 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jan 2 11:32:55 UTC 2008
Ending: Thu Jan 31 23:15:40 UTC 2008
Messages: 334
- [support] Blank page with new comments ??
Deepesh Agarwal
- [support] unpublished blog post published anyway?
- [support] Looking for a simple "jukebox" type module
Idan Arbel
- [support] Adding an image link to node grid view
Idan Arbel
- [support] Audio Playlist
Idan Arbel
- [support] node reference
Idan Arbel
- [support] View of views
Idan Arbel
- [support] View of views
Idan Arbel
- [support] $scripts Vs drupal_get_js()
Ronald Ashri
- [support] Multisite on same database
Xavier Bestel
- [support] Multisite on same database
Xavier Bestel
- [support] Multisite on same database
Xavier Bestel
- [support] Multisite on same database
Xavier Bestel
- [support] views + taxonomy trouble
Xavier Bestel
- [support] hunting spurious <p>
Xavier Bestel
- [support] hunting spurious <p>
Xavier Bestel
- [support] multiple site, on database confusion
Xavier Bestel
- [support] : multiple site, on database confusion
Xavier Bestel
- [support] Small Views Problem
Xavier Bestel
- [support] Module for Multiple URLs
Jonathan Blackburn
- [support] Mixing local posts with aggregated posts in the front page
Brenda Boggs
- [support] Nodes not saved but I don't understand why.
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] Nodes not saved but I don't understand why.
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] User register form in 2 page or call my function for submit
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] Write a text into a page like a node
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] Write a text into a page like a node
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] FAPI and GET or bookmarkable searches
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] getting $_GET excluding $_GET['q']
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] session and users: different access methods
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] HTML and data: how to theme them ?
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] radio buttons in table form
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] radio buttons in table form
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] radio buttons in table form
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] 404 or alias for menu hook
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] 404 or alias for menu hook
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] 404 or alias for menu hook
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] 404 or alias for menu hook
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] {system} cleanup
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] hook_forms and theming
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] hook_forms and theming
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] how to make form print on less paper
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] how to make form print on less paper
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] How to intercept the search
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] How to intercept the search
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
- [support] Write a text into a page like a node
Earnie Boyd
- [support] views title strangeness
Earnie Boyd
- [support] hunting spurious <p>
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Remove user: do not delete user
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Authenticate against Joomla
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Seeking module to distinguish content types
Earnie Boyd
- [support] cron stuck on a node. how to find which one
Earnie Boyd
- [support] cron stuck on a node. how to find which one
Earnie Boyd
- [support] cron stuck on a node. how to find which one
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Multiple DB connections within hook_cron
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Multiple DB connections within hook_cron
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Creating custom node type to serve an XML file?
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Applying drupal access control to PDF documents.
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Authenticating Drupal login from different database
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Drupal in Thailand
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Drupal in Thailand
Earnie Boyd
- [support] New Drupal 5.7. But the patch ?
Earnie Boyd
- [support] primary menus link to #??
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Earnie Boyd
- [support] B7 Theme / Nice Menus drop down centered?
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Drupal 6.0 new features
Earnie Boyd
- [support] Drupal's module crash IE7. But which ?
Sean Burlington
- [support] Front Page
Sean Burlington
- [support] Drupal for University use
John Callahan
- [support] Drupal for University use
John Callahan
- [support] Drupal for University use
John Callahan
- [support] unpublished blog post published anyway?
Brian Choc
- [support] Module for Multiple URLs
Damien Cirotteau
- [support] How to link to anchor in menu?
Jody Cleveland
- [support] wall-like area on profile page
Michelle Cox
- [support] Server-wide Drupal install: best practices?
Albert Cuesta
- [support] Mixing local posts with aggregated posts in the front page
Albert Cuesta
- [support] Mixing local posts with aggregated posts in the front page
Albert Cuesta
- [support] File upload date/time
Ari Davidow
- [support] Adding an image link to node grid view
- [support] wall-like area on profile page
Brett Evanson
- [support] Email post to Forum (in thread)
Brett Evanson
- [support] cron stuck on a node. how to find which one
Brett Evanson
- [support] cron stuck on a node. how to find which one
Brett Evanson
- [support] cron stuck on a node. how to find which one
Brett Evanson
- [support] VPS/Dedicated hosting
Brett Evanson
- [support] primary menus link to #??
Brett Evanson
- [support] VPS/Dedicated hosting
Brett Evanson
- [support] B7 Theme / Nice Menus drop down centered?
Brett Evanson
- [support] B7 Theme / Nice Menus drop down centered?
Brett Evanson
- [support] primary menus link to #??
Brett Evanson
- [support] Changing CSS does not affect display of calendar- CSS aggregation is off
Nick Fankhauser
- [support] New Drupal 5.7. But the patch ?
- [support] PayPal module
Alessandro Feijó
- [support] PayPal module
Alessandro Feijó
- [support] PayPal module
Alessandro Feijó
- [support] Select user with permissions for each node
Alessandro Feijó
- [support] Multisite on same database
Alessandro Feijó
- [support] Multisite on same database
Alessandro Feijó
- [support] Drupal for University use
Bill Fitzgerald
- [support] Need Someone to Edit a Module
Jason Flatt
- [support] What about the ERP modules? alternative?
Jason Flatt
- [support] mkdir permissions issue
Jason Flatt
- [support] mkdir permissions issue
Jason Flatt
- [support] Seeking PHP / Drupal Web Experience in Seattle Area
Jason Flatt
- [support] A view linking to other views . . .
Jason Flatt
- [support] New poster introduction and Drupal support request
Jason Flatt
- [support] Authenticating Drupal login from different database
Jason Flatt
- [support] Applying drupal access control to PDF documents.
Jason Flatt
- [support] image_import's nodes with empty image field
Lucas GR
- [support] image_import's nodes with empty image field
Lucas GR
- [support] image_import's nodes with empty image field
Lucas GR
- [support] Module to create a form to subscribe to pdf newsletter
Walter Garcia-Fontes
- [support] Hiding exposed filters
Larry Garfield
- [support] Using views to create a category listing
Jean Gazis
- [support] Lack of Drupal community assistance.
Jean Gazis
- [support] how do I put a "send yourself a copy" checkbox on a webform?
Jean Gazis
- [support] vocabularies and person schema in v 6
Jean Gazis
- [support] how to make form print on less paper
Jean Gazis
- [support] how to make form print on less paper
Jean Gazis
- [support] how to make form print on less paper
Jean Gazis
- [support] Indexing of really short words
Yannick Gingras
- [support] New Drupal 5.7. But the patch ?
Shai Gluskin
- [support] create content code location
Lucas J. González
- [support] include external php
Lucas J. González
- [support] include external php
Lucas J. González
- [support] Seeking PHP / Drupal Web Experience in Seattle Area
Michael Greenleaf
- [support] Drupal in Thailand
Asad Habib
- [support] unpublished blog post published anyway?
Blake Hall
- [support] New poster introduction and Drupal support request
Michael Hallager
- [support] New poster introduction and Drupal support request
Michael Hallager
- [support] New poster introduction and Drupal support request
Michael Hallager
- [support] New poster introduction and Drupal support request
Michael Hallager
- [support] views and taxonomy
Michael Hallager
- [support] views and taxonomy
Michael Hallager
- [support] Using views to create a category listing
Michael Hallager
- [support] Using views to create a category listing
Michael Hallager
- [support] Lack of Drupal community assistance.
Michael Hallager
- [support] Using views to create a category listing
Michael Hallager
- [support] PayPal module
Jonathan Hedstrom
- [support] File folder outside webfolder
Jonathan Hedstrom
- [support] File folder outside webfolder
Jonathan Hedstrom
- [support] $scripts Vs drupal_get_js()
Jonathan Hedstrom
- [support] PayPal module
Gordon Heydon
- [support] Applying drupal access control to PDF documents.
Gordon Heydon
- [support] Free tag field in FAPI form
Isaac Simon Hodes
- [support] unpublished blog post published anyway?
Greg Holsclaw
- [support] Seeking module to distinguish content types
Greg Holsclaw
- [support] moving field in type of content
Philippe Jadin
- [support] Creating node children as a specific content type
Philippe Jadin
- [support] include external php
Philippe Jadin
- [support] Multiple DB connections within hook_cron
Chris Johnson
- [support] Multiple DB connections within hook_cron
Chris Johnson
- [support] Summarize By Day in a View
Fred Jones
- [support] How to know the Source of a Block
Fred Jones
- [support] CCK Field to display as HTML in a View
Fred Jones
- [support] CCK Field to display as HTML in a View
Fred Jones
- [support] Premium Content Search Question
Fred Jones
- [support] New poster introduction and Drupal support request
Fred Jones
- [support] custom theming a views field
Fred Jones
- [support] New poster introduction and Drupal support request
Fred Jones
- [support] Using views to create a category listing
Fred Jones
- [support] Using views to create a category listing
Fred Jones
- [support] Small Views Problem
Fred Jones
- [support] Small Views Problem
Fred Jones
- [support] Front Page
Tom Holmes Jr.
- [support] Front Page
Tom Holmes Jr.
- [support] Showing Blocks on Specific Pages
Tom Holmes Jr.
- [support] Front Page
Tom Holmes Jr.
- [support] Import HTML Module
Tom Holmes Jr.
- [support] mkdir permissions issue
Tom Holmes Jr.
- [support] mkdir permissions issue
Tom Holmes Jr.
- [support] mkdir permissions issue
Tom Holmes Jr.
- [support] Drupal 6.0 new features
Tom Holmes Jr.
- [support] Drupal 6.0 new features
Tom Holmes Jr.
- [support] Creating custom node type to serve an XML file?
Kaj Kandler
- [support] Drupal for University use
Gerhard Killesreiter
- [support] Strange url from log
Greg Knaddison
- [support] Authenticate against Joomla
Vasileios Lourdas
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Scott Matthews
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Scott Matthews
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Scott Matthews
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Scott Matthews
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Scott Matthews
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Scott Matthews
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Scott Matthews
- [support] Thickbox wizard implementation..
Scott Matthews
- [support] Authenticating Drupal login from different database
Chris McCreery
- [support] Authenticating Drupal login from different database
Chris McCreery
- [support] Authenticating Drupal login from different database
Chris McCreery
- [support] Weird error messages in http log
Eric McKenna
- [support] Module to create a form to subscribe to pdf newsletter
Benjamin Melançon
- [support] VPS/Dedicated hosting
Jamie Meredith
- [support] Definy theme for tinymce textarea.
Metzler, David
- [support] A view linking to other views . . .
Metzler, David
- [support] Using views to create a category listing
Metzler, David
- [support] 404 or alias for menu hook
Metzler, David
- [support] 404 or alias for menu hook
Metzler, David
- [support] 404 or alias for menu hook
Metzler, David
- [support] 404 or alias for menu hook
Metzler, David
- [support] 404 or alias for menu hook
Metzler, David
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Metzler, David
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Metzler, David
- [support] hook_forms and theming
Metzler, David
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Metzler, David
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Metzler, David
- [support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..
Metzler, David
- [support] Nodes not saved but I don't understand why.
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Nodes not saved but I don't understand why.
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Nodes not saved but I don't understand why.
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Drupal's module crash IE7. But which ?
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] User register form in 2 page or call my function for submit
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] User register form in 2 page or call my function for submit
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Showing Blocks on Specific Pages
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] User register form in 2 page or call my function for submit
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Select user with permissions for each node, but where roles or group is not usable
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Computed field, how to acces Foreignkey's data
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Computed field, how to acces Foreignkey's data
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Write a text into a page like a node
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Write a text into a page like a node
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Write a text into a page like a node
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] mkdir permissions issue
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Definy theme for tinymce textarea.
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Definy theme for tinymce textarea.
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Linking TinyMCE with textarea and content type and not with Roles.
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Remove user: do not delete user
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Drupal for University use
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Remove user: do not delete user
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] HTML and data: how to theme them ?
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Mixing local posts with aggregated posts in the front page
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] how to access filefield with hook_nodeapi
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Homepage for my sections
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] Homepage for my sections
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] How to intercept the search
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] New Drupal 5.7. But the patch ?
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] How to intercept the search
Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [support] moving field in type of content
Alex Moreno
- [support] moving field in type of content
Alex Moreno
- [support] custom theming a views field
Joe Murray
- [support] : multiple site, on database confusion
Joe Murray
- [support] image_import's nodes with empty image field
A-NO-NE Music
- [support] multiple site, on database confusion
Edward Peters
- [support] Homepage for my sections
Pedro Faria de Miranda Pinto
- [support] Multiple DB connections within hook_cron
Tane Piper
- [support] multiple site, on database confusion
Michael Prasuhn
- [support] multiple site, on database confusion
Michael Prasuhn
- [support] Fwd: Re: Adding an image link to node grid view
- [support] Fwd: Re: Select user with permissions for each node
- [support] Drupal for University use
Mark Shropshire
- [support] Drupal for University use
Mark Shropshire
- [support] Usernodes, Views and the contact screen
- [support] Multisite on same database
- [support] Multisite on same database
- [support] Views link to node/x/edit
- [support] How to create a Dundas like chart in Drupal?
- [support] moving field in type of content
Jim Smith
- [support] moving field in type of content
Jim Smith
- [support] CCK Field to display as HTML in a View
Jim Smith
- [support] Modules to complement the aggregator
Jim Smith
- [support] Applying drupal access control to PDF documents.
Roy Smith
- [support] Applying drupal access control to PDF documents.
Roy Smith
- [support] Applying drupal access control to PDF documents.
Roy Smith
- [support] Applying drupal access control to PDF documents.
Roy Smith
- [support] Lack of Drupal community assistance.
William Smith
- [support] File folder outside webfolder
Bob Smither
- [support] Need Someone to Edit a Module
Allen Stern
- [support] Drupal for University use
Zohar Stolar
- [support] Drupal for University use
Zohar Stolar
- [support] primary menus link to #??
Zohar Stolar
- [support] Hiding exposed filters
- [support] how to access filefield with hook_nodeapi
- [support] how to access filefield with hook_nodeapi
- [support] Blank page with new comments ??
Victor Trac
- [support] {system} cleanup
Edison Wong
- [support] What about the ERP modules? alternative?
C K Wu
- [support] CK-ERP (Open Source ERP / CRM / MRP) v.0.26.1 released (with Drupal 5.5 connector)
C K Wu
- [support] Seeking module to distinguish content types
ian at corpwatch.org
- [support] Seeking module to distinguish content types
ian at corpwatch.org
- [support] View of views
ian at corpwatch.org
- [support] Location(s) in Teaser
ian at corpwatch.org
- [support] Mixing local posts with aggregated posts in the front page
blogdiva at culturekitchen.com
- [support] Mixing local posts with aggregated posts in the front page
blogdiva at culturekitchen.com
- [support] Creating node children as a specific content type
ext237 ext237
- [support] vocabularies and person schema in v 6
paola.dimaio at gmail.com
- [support] support Digest, Vol 61, Issue 46
paola.dimaio at gmail.com
- [support] people schema
paola.dimaio at gmail.com
- [support] Drupal in Thailand
paola.dimaio at gmail.com
- [support] unpublished blog post published anyway?
will hall
- [support] unpublished blog post published anyway?
will hall
- [support] multiple site, on database confusion
will hall
- [support] multiple site, on database confusion
will hall
- [support] : multiple site, on database confusion
will hall
- [support] : multiple site, on database confusion
will hall
- [support] Usernodes, Views and the contact screen
joey at lippeatt.com
- [support] File upload date/time
joey at lippeatt.com
- [support] File upload date/time
joey at lippeatt.com
- [support] What about the ERP modules? alternative?
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] Select user with permissions for each node
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] Select user with permissions for each node
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] Fwd: Re: Select user with permissions for each node
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] Computed field, how to acces Foreignkey's data
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] Computed field, how to acces Foreignkey's data
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] Computed field, how to acces Foreignkey's data
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] related_node field not appear on views Arguments list
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] File folder outside webfolder
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] File folder outside webfolder
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] File folder outside webfolder
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] user roles administrator
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] user roles administrator
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] File folder outside webfolder
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] File folder outside webfolder
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] Views export CSV not showin image info
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] File folder outside webfolder
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] Two different print templates?
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] Views export CSV and images
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] Views link to node/x/edit
Marolijo - Pol maresma
- [support] Strange url from log
- [support] Modules to complement the aggregator
- [support] status error GL
- [support] views title strangeness
- [support] views title strangeness
- [support] Remove user: do not delete user
- [support] Module for Multiple URLs
- [support] Lack of Drupal community assistance.
- [support] VPS/Dedicated hosting
- [support] how to make form print on less paper
- [support] how to make form print on less paper
- [support] sorting highest rated items and displaying image + link
Sarah.Vardy at student.griffith.edu.au
- [support] user profile category tabs have disappeared
Sarah.Vardy at student.griffith.edu.au
- [support] tagadelic problem
Sarah.Vardy at student.griffith.edu.au
- [support] plain-text link
Sarah.Vardy at student.griffith.edu.au
- [support] theme locking
Sarah.Vardy at student.griffith.edu.au
- [support] taxonomy + breadcrumbs
Sarah.Vardy at student.griffith.edu.au
Last message date:
Thu Jan 31 23:15:40 UTC 2008
Archived on: Thu Jan 31 23:43:56 UTC 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).