[support] multiple site, on database confusion

Michael Prasuhn mike at mikeyp.net
Sun Jan 20 15:54:22 UTC 2008

On Jan 20, 2008, at 1:55 AM, Xavier Bestel wrote:
> I have done something like that: a main site with much content, and
> another site with only a few static pages and a part of the main  
> site's
> content.
> I created a sites/mynewsite.com directory, and added a new  
> settings.php
> file in which I modified a few variables at the end to have a new  
> name,
> a new theme and a new frontpage for the site. I then arranged blocks  
> for
> this theme to display a new menu, and changed the theme to not display
> the primary and seconday links.
> And voilà ! But I'm not an Drupal expert, so there may be a better way
> to do this.
> 	Xav

I have done the same thing before as well. A little more advice:

* Make sure $base_url is set, and then you can check against this in  
php code for block visibility, it also makes sure that all the links  
on that site, link to that site only. Any links back to the main site  
with all content will have to include the full href.

* Use the $conf array to set things such as the front page of the new  
site. e.g.

$conf = array(
   'site_frontpage' => 'path_alias_for_your_view',

A couple of downsides to this is that all content is available on  
either side. Even if there are no links to it, one could poke around  
and all the same paths will be valid on both sites. So you'll have to  
watch your menus and blocks to make sure that the same links do not  
appear on both sites. I managed this by having two versions of my  
primary menu, and putting it into a block and then using PHP to  
control which site got which block/menu. YMMV


Michael Prasuhn
mike at mikeyp.net
714.356.0168 cell
949.200.7670 fax

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