[support] Using views to create a category listing

Fred Jones fredthejonester at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 11:19:30 UTC 2008

> 1. Categories --> 2. Product listings within a category (teaser style) --> 3. 
> Product information page.
> I have 2 and 3 all connected and working fine but I can't find the correct 
> combination of options to create 1, the listing of categories (linked to 2).
> The closest I get is a listing of categories, but for some bizarre reason it 
> shows each category several times (It seems to show each category one time 
> per product within that category). I'm thinking this may be a bug?

The Views module is able to show a listing of nodes within Drupal. What 
you are seeking is a list of taxonomy terms, not nodes. I do not believe 
the Views module can do this. I myself have accomplished this feature 
with a bit of custom coding, but there may be a better solution.

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