[support] create content code location

Lucas J. González lucas at lucasj.es
Fri Jan 18 17:18:49 UTC 2008

I can't get it done with image_import + thickbox

The type image created by image_import doesn't content any CCK field for
thickbox to work with. image_import creates its own thumbnail instead of
letting imagecache to do that, but i need the dynamic generation of
thumbnails provided by imagecache.

Then, I need to create a function (or module, in case of being able of implementing it) which
creates a node (of type image, with an image field and eventually a text
field) for each image file given. Then I could work normally with the
images nodes. The same thing that image_import does but using the type
image from image.module.

It would be great to know what does the "create content" function.
Could you point me the best place where starting from?

Thank You very much

Lucas J. González

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