[support] New Drupal 5.7. But the patch ?
Shai Gluskin
shai at content2zero.com
Wed Jan 30 14:41:03 UTC 2008
Also... make sure not to overwrite your /files directory. Also make sure you
don't overwrite any contributed modules or themes you've put in the sites
directory. I'm sure this is indeed why you prefer the patch method :).
What I do is move the "sites" and "files" directories to my "home" directory
(one level above "public_html"). Then I upload the new Drupal distro. Then I
put I put back the sites and files directories where they should be and
voila -- done!
Actually, there is one more subtlety -- I copy the connection information
from my settings.php file and put it into the new settings.php file, in case
something has changed in the new distro of settings.php.
Of course, this strategy is for a single site installation.
On 1/30/08, Feijó <patrao at legendas.feijo.info> wrote:
> Don't worry, just rename settings.php (from the new version), and copy
> all files to your drupal folder
> I always do that, without problem
> Off course make a backup of your drupal folder first
> Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli escreveu:
> Hi all. I have see that there is the new Drupal version 5.7. The upgrade
> is raccomanded. But there is only the full package and not the patch
> file. Anyone can say me where I can find this file ? I can't and I don't
> want to reinstall all package and all modules.
> M.
> --
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