[support] unpublished blog post published anyway?

will hall will at theicarusproject.net
Tue Jan 15 22:03:04 UTC 2008

thanks for the reply. i am checking


and don't see anything allowing unauthenticated or authenticated users 
to access unpublished content. am i looking in the right place (drupal 4.7)?

-- will

Blake Hall wrote:
> Have you doubled checked your permissions and roles?
> It's possible to grant users access to unpublished items (which I'm  
> guessing is what happened on your site).
> Cheers,
> blake hall
> On Jan 15, 2008, at 3:04 PM, will hall wrote:
>> hi all, i have a blog post that under 'published' the box is  
>> definitely
>> not checked, but the post shows up as published anyway.
>> this was a very sensitive post and i had to delete it entirely so that
>> people wouldn't read it. the fact that it was published when i thought
>> it wasn't has created some problems!
>> what am i doing wrong here, why did the post show up as published?
>> thanks for help!
>> will
>> -- 
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