[support] Computed field, how to acces Foreignkey's data

Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli michel at ziobudda.net
Tue Jan 8 10:28:23 UTC 2008

Marolijo - Pol maresma ha scritto:
> Hello, from a computed field I wanna to a typical bill-line 
> calculation doing a multiplication
> price = quantity * fk_product_price
> How can I do that? I tried wihout luck.
> $node_field[0]['value'] = $node->field_quantitat[0]['value'] 
> * $node->field_fk_producte[0]['value']......;
> Thank's!
Exec "print_r($node)". Are there present field_quantitat and 
field_fk_producte ?

What is fk_* ?


Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli                       michel at ziobudda.net
Consulenza sistemistica in ambito OpenSource.
Sviluppo applicazioni web dinamiche (LAMP+Ajax)
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