[support] : multiple site, on database confusion

Xavier Bestel xavier.bestel at free.fr
Mon Jan 21 17:40:13 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 09:27 -0800, will hall wrote:
> thanks for the replies everyone. i'm new to server admin issues in 
> general, which adds to my confusion.
> how exactly does drupal know to display one theme for one domain and a 
> different them for a different one if they are both running off the same 
> database? there doesn't seem to be anything in settings.php which 
> affects that.
> i appreciate the help with understanding all this.

At the end of settings.php, you can override some config variables. E.g:

$conf = array(
  'site_name' => 'My second site name',
  'site_slogan' => 'My second site slogan',
  'site_mission' => 'My second site mission (if you accept it)',
  'theme_default' => 'my_other_theme',
  'site_frontpage' => 'my_second_frontpage',

You get the idea ...


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