[support] drupal 6 and Paypal

brendan, fresh-off.com hello at fresh-off.com
Mon Jul 13 18:47:59 UTC 2009

Hello again!

The site is for a freelance interior designer who wants her clients to able
to make per-project payments via PayPal.  She's looking to accept payments
based on milestones, for example 50% down, and 50% upon completion of a job.
And if she's anything like most freelancers, she'll  probably need to be
able to mix it up from time to time to say 33%, 33%, 33%, etc..   "I" see
these as multiple 1-time payments, not re-occurring payments - but I'm new
to ecommerce.


She is just starting out and is NOT looking for all the bells and whistles -
just wants it to work and look nice and I'm prepared to theme anything


But like I said previously, this IS my first dabble into online payments so
I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible!


Hope that is enough additional info!  Thanks for any thoughts!










From: support-bounces at drupal.org [mailto:support-bounces at drupal.org] On
Behalf Of Brian Choc
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 3:29 PM
To: support at drupal.org
Subject: Re: [support] drupal 6 and Paypal


It really depends on what you want to accomplish with Paypal.  Can you

In the simplest case, for example, if you just want a donation button Paypal
has some ready-made code you can drop into a block.


On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 3:21 PM, brendan, fresh-off.com <hello at fresh-off.com>


What is the simplest way to integrate PayPal into a D6 website?  


I see that UberCart can be set up for PayPal - but I've never used it and
from a quick look at it, I'm wondering if it's MORE than I need for simple
way for non-tech users to make payments using PayPal.  


Is UberCart the best way to go, or perhaps lm_paypal, or even the e-commerce
module?  This is my first dabble into online payments, so I'm trying to keep
it as simple as possible!


Thanks for any suggestions!!



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Brian Choc
Technology Director

Teaming for Technology Colorado
2505 18th St. Denver, CO 80211
P: 303.561.2377, F: 303.455.6462

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