[support] print menu tree

John Callahan john.callahan at UDel.Edu
Tue Mar 10 18:49:30 UTC 2009

Does anyone know of a way to directly print the menu tree of a custom 
menu?  I thought there would be a simple function to accomplish this but 
for some reason I can't seem to get it.  Searching the web reveals 
several other people asking the same question, or answers to do 
something similar (like printing $primary_links or just the first level 
links of a custom menu.) 

Any thoughts?  This should be easy, right?

- John

John Callahan
Geospatial Application Developer
Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
227 Academy St, Newark DE 19716-7501
Tel: (302) 831-3584  
Email: john.callahan at udel.edu

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