[support] Programmatically adding cck field to module defined content type

Chris Johnson cxjohnson at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 21:09:21 UTC 2009

Here's a web page that might help you:

If your content type is not a node type, it will probably be more
difficult, since the above page talks about exporting a CCK-decorated
(i.e. custom content type) node, and using that in your module to
define the content type.

Good luck.  In my experience, CCK is the most frustrating code in
common Drupal use.


On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Christopher M. Jones
<cjones at partialflow.com> wrote:
> I did search for this, but I'm still finding my way around the various
> resources and the answer is not clear to me. Can anybody tell me, or point
> me to documentation that tells me, how to add a cck field into a content
> type I'm creating from my module?
> I want to add a multi-value nodereference autoselelect field from my
> implementation of hook_form(). Or should I be doing it from hook_nodeapi()?
> Where / how do I do this in my .module file?
> --
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