[support] MyISAM vs InnoDB

Kieran Lal kieran at acquia.com
Sat Mar 21 20:25:29 UTC 2009

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Daniel Carrera
<daniel.carrera at theingots.org> wrote:
> Kieran Lal wrote:
>> Tell us more about your site.  Number of nodes, users, traffic.  What
>> kind of hosting environment, etc?
>> InnoDB is safer, but consumes more resources.
> Hmm... let's see... 7,152 nodes, 4,300 users, and if I read the monthly log
> correctly, it seems like it averages 15,300 hits/day with a peak of 18,000
> hits/day on wednesdays. But I think that might include all the files that go
> into making a web page (CSS, logo, etc).
> We have a shared hosting environment, of the type that doesn't over-sell
> disk space, so it is somewhat intermediate between a typical shared hosting
> and a dedicated host.
> The servers run RHEL, PHP 5.2.8 and MySQL 5.1.30.
> Uhm... I can't think of anything else I can say about the site. Does any of
> this help answer my question?

MySQL ISAM engine is lightweight, and not transactional, but has been
know to corrupt, although I think it's much more stable in MySQL 5.1.
For high performance, and transaction integrity many people move their
database engine to InnoDB.

InnoDB uses ~5x the disk space and ~3x more memory. It can be faster,
and more reliable. But the down side is that if big tables like node,
watchdog are InnoDB you can run into problems. Based on your site
size, I don't forsee moving your entire site to InnoDB to be a

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> Daniel.
> --
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