[support] MyISAM vs InnoDB

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at theingots.org
Sat Mar 21 20:38:03 UTC 2009

Kieran Lal wrote:
> MySQL ISAM engine is lightweight, and not transactional, but has been
> know to corrupt, although I think it's much more stable in MySQL 5.1.

Yeah. What prompted my initial post is that today I had to repair the 
accesslog table. That got me thinking "maybe I should try InnoDB".

> For high performance, and transaction integrity many people move their
> database engine to InnoDB.
> InnoDB uses ~5x the disk space and ~3x more memory. It can be faster,
> and more reliable. But the down side is that if big tables like node,
> watchdog are InnoDB you can run into problems. Based on your site
> size, I don't forsee moving your entire site to InnoDB to be a
> problem.

Thanks. That's very informative. I didn't realize that the space 
difference was so big. I'm not worried about the disk space. I just hope 
that the memory doesn't become a problem. I'll write to my web host to 
ask how my site is doing memory-wise.

> Here's a Drupal performance tuning checklist:
> http://tag1consulting.com/files/checklist.pdf

Ah, that'll be useful. Thanks.

> If you see a slowdown, let me know and I'll help you out.



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