[support] $script empty for anonymous users

luca capra luca.capra at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 12:04:44 UTC 2009


try path_to_theme() to get the path to current theme

drupal_add_js(  path_to_theme()  ."/js/onebip.js");

try either creating a module with something like

function mymodule_init(){ 

  $theme = variable_get('theme_default', 'garland');
  $theme_path = drupal_get_path("theme", $theme);

||  drupal_add_js("$theme_path/js/onebip.js");

to use in more than one theme.


Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli ha scritto:
> Hi all, this is the first time that I see this thing: in my theme I 
> have these lines:
> <?php echo $scripts; ?>
>  <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $directory; 
> ?>/js/onebip.js"></script>
> All works for loggedin users, but $scripts is empty for the anonymous 
> users. Why this ? Why $scripts is empty for anonymous users ?
> Now, to resolve this problem I have delete the line
> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $directory; 
> ?>/js/onebip.js"></script>
> from my page.tpl.php file, and I have create a template.php file with 
> this code:
> <?php
> drupal_add_js("sites/all/themes/onebipv1/js/onebip.js");
> ?php>
> and now all works. But why this ? If this is correct: how can I 
> retrieve the values of my themes directory ($directory in the 
> page.tpl.file) ?
> Tnx.

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