[support] slight problem with encoding

Neil Coghlan neil at esl-lounge.com
Thu Apr 22 03:32:06 UTC 2010

I have the following php snippet giving me a list of taxonomy terms for a certain vocab and certain content type. 

$vid = 4;
$items = array();
$type = manager;
$terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vid);
foreach ( $terms as $term ) { 
    $count = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(term_node.nid) FROM {term_node} JOIN {node} ON node.nid = term_node.nid WHERE node.type = '%s' AND tid = %d", $type, $term->tid)); 
    $items[] = l($term->name, "personnel-search?type=$term->tid") . " ($count)";
if ( count($items) ) {  print theme('item_list', $items);}

the problem is in the bolded line, specifically the question mark and equal sign. I get a taxonomy list like this:

retail (3)
accounts (2)
IT (1)

when I hover over these, the links look perfect down in the status bar, but when I click on them, they come out in the URL bar as such:


and thus give me a 404. Is there an easy way of encoding it right?


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