[support] translate long month names

Hans Langouche hans.langouche at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 10:21:06 UTC 2010

Hi there,

using drupal 6 and want to print out created date with full month name 
in Dutch.

I tried using format_date($node->created, 'custom', 'd F', null, 'nl'), 
but that doesn't seem to work, except for manually translating the month 
name through the translation interface, with the downside that we can 
only find month names that are already displayed (March is nowhere to be 
found in the system).

Other funny thing is that when adding a custom date format and setting 
it e.g. as the format for 'medium' it displays correctly in that 
interface, going back to the page with the function call (modified to 
show medium instead of custom) it shows in english.

I know that with setlocale php returns the correctly translated month 
name and I was hoping drupal 6 did this automatically but it doesn't ?

Any ideas suggestions ?


P.S.: I also have the date module installed but I think the format_date 
function is drupal core ?

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