[support] A few question

Ayath ULLAH ayath at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Apr 29 22:58:05 UTC 2011

I have two cck content types question and answer. 
I have a view in which the question is shown with its node reference answers. 
I have a hidden node reference field which links the answer type to the previous node from which the user clicked. 
 like to make it so that when users go to the individual answer or the 
individual question it should redirect them to the relevant view. 
 am also wondering how can get the node/add URL into a popup/ modal so 
users don't leave the view they are on and when they have submitted 
their new content the view is refreshed to show their contribution. 
 am also using the shorten module. I was also hoping that the short URL 
only converts the relevant view fro each node. So a short URL for a 
question and answer are the same if they are have a node reference 
Any help would be appreciated. 
Many Thanks, 



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