[translations] Translation templates for modules with sub-modules

Vasileios Lourdas drupal at lourdas.name
Thu Apr 10 19:21:25 UTC 2008


I've contributed the Greek translation for a few third party modules. Here's a 
question that arises some times.

A few modules  (eg. module foo), have also sub-modules (eg. subfoo1, subfoo2, 
etc.) that provide additional functionality to foo. When I run the command 
line version of potx inside the module foo directory to extract the .pot 
file, the default behaviour of potx is to parse all files, so it generates a 
template for all existing modules in that directory (foo, subfoo1, subfoo2, 
etc.). However, I am not really sure this is a correct procedure, because of 
the fact that the user is able to enable only foo and not any of its 
submodules. So, what's the correct procedure to handle all sub-modules? 
Should there be an individual .pot file for each sub-module or one big .pot 
for all?

# Vasileios Lourdas,
# Informatics Engineer, Thessaloniki (Greece)
# http://www.lourdas.name

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