[translations] drupal bengali translation

Hilde Austlid zirvap at gmail.com
Sun Apr 20 09:03:04 UTC 2008


2008/4/10 S. M. Ibrahim lavlu <me at lavluda.com>:
>  we setup http://drupalbn.lavluda.com
>  (drupal localization server l10n). please visit and check if we are
>  doing something wrong.

When I look at http://drupalbn.lavluda.com/translate/projects the
list looks very similar to my first test of a server for Norwegian,
when I had chosen a wrong setting for the server.

If you look at your admin/build/modules page, there are two
different options for "Localization community":
- Localization community for drupal.org
- Localization community for local packages

The first one is meant for the final, common server at
translation_or_something_like_that.drupal.org. It goes to
get po-files from Drupal.org, and right now (or at least when
I tried it in January) it gets a lot of different versions of Drupal
core, including some development versions. That means that
you might risk spending time translating strings that are not is
use anymore. Also, if you want to translate contributed
modules, you can't choose which ones to include.

The second one, "Localization community for local packages",
is the one we _should_ use while we're waiting for the common
server. When you are using that one, you need to copy
the translation templates to your own server.

There are some more settings at admin/l10n_server/l10n_localpacks
and some more information in the README-file, see

>  i search the drupal.org, no one is working on bengali translation. so i
>  am asking is it possible to our site on
>  http://drupal.org/project/l10n_server "users" list ? so that if any
>  other people want to work on bengali translation, (s)he can join with
>  us.

I see you haven't been listed there yet. I suggest you contact
Gabor at http://drupal.org/user/4166/contact

Good luck with your translation!

Regards, Hilde

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