[translations] Translation templates for modules with sub-modules

Gábor Hojtsy gabor at hojtsy.hu
Sat Jun 7 08:37:07 UTC 2008

On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 4:31 AM, Marco Antonio Villegas Vega
<marvil07 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> There is no clear policy. In some cases they share lots of strings,
>> and it does not make much sense to translate them separately. In other
>> cases, like ubercart, they are a complete subsystem. I think it needs
>> some thinking in all cases. Once http://drupal.org/project/l10n_server
>> is going, it would not be a question anymore, as it completely avoids
>> this question.
>> Gabor
> I'm exactly in the same problem[1]. I have a translation for OG, but
> it's not clear for the mantainers if it would have to be one single PO
> file or many.
> I've started using one sigle file, but then we started to use
> l10n_server, on drupal-contrib[2]. So, now it's easier to have splitted
> translation.

Well, let's first talk about why are you going on your own way instead
of collaborating with the existing Spanish translation as linked from
the l10n server project page: http://l10n.drupal.org.es/ ?


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