[translations] Translation (pseudo)contexts in Drupal 7

José San Martin jz.sanmartin at gmail.com
Sun Jul 26 03:18:28 UTC 2009


As a language with poor morphology, English sometimes does not
distinguish verbs from nouns. Filter, Upload, Archive, Link, Update,
Post... and many other words that are used in Drupal. Other languages
are a more morphology-heavy and when we translate Drupal to other
languages this ambiguity may be a problem. Take Upload, for instance.
There is a button "Upload", but there is also a module "Upload".
There's the need to use different words.

It's not an exclusivity for noun/verbs, though. "Order" is one thing
in Views, and another thing in Ubercart. The shorter the string, the
easier it is to exist this kind of ambiguity.

There is already the use in Drupal core of string context. The blank
variable in "!long-month-name May" is used distinguish "May" in the
series "January, February.." to "May" in the series "Jan, Feb...".
This very pattern could be used elsewhere: "!noun Filter" would be
different from "!verb Filter", so that we could translate "Filtro" and
"Filtrar",  respectively, or "Filter" and "filtern".

What do you think? Is this a good approach or something more radical
should be done to support contexts? Perhaps a fourth symbol -
#context, instead of "!, @, %"  , to make it mor organized? There is
still time to fix Drupal 7.

See you,

José San Martin
Brazilian translator

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