[consulting] Consulting directory

Greg Knaddison - GVS Greg at GrowingVentureSolutions.com
Wed Mar 21 23:20:26 UTC 2007

Knowledge on this subject has been refined into a handbook page:


If people have more ideas please edit it.

On 3/20/07, Jakob Persson <jakob at jakob-persson.com> wrote:
>  Rob Barreca wrote:
>  These are your best bets:
> http://drupal.org/drupal-services
>  The issue with this list is that you have to have contributed in order to
> be listed. There are many professionals who do great work but haven't
> committed code to Drupal. While I agree with the rule for listing, just be
> aware that this list is not exhaustive and may not necessarily include the
> best out there.

I don't see that as an "issue" or a "problem" but rather as an
important feature of that listing (and any future ones that are
built). When vetting firms and people to do work (or new hires for a
company) on characteristic that I consider is the level of commitment
and contribution to the community.  I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in
this feeling.

And really - I'm not sure how someone could become "the best" in a
drupal area and not have contributed at least a minor thing that would
earn them entry to that list.

I understand and agree with the concept in theory - but in practice I
just don't see it.


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