[consulting] Drupal Designs

sime info at urbits.com
Fri Mar 23 14:45:09 UTC 2007

To cloak Drupal you would:
-- retheme css classes and id names (eg. class="clear-block block 
block-user"> is a dead giveaway)
-- alias css includes (or css aggregated file)
-- alias drupal.js and jquery.js paths.

Rewriting the css and js files would result in additional path aliasing 
which is going to have a performance hit AFAIK. So you'd *really* want 
to be keen to hide it.

But for me, it's not so important to hide drupal, more to match the 
graphic designer's spec, and yes I agree with other listers: if you can 
do it in plain html, you can do it in Drupal.


The Golden Condor ! wrote:

>I agree with Eric
>An example of a simpler and less flashy site:
>However, it is not so hard to recognize Drupal sites in most cases
>after a little of digging. I know of at least one designer who cares
>that his sites are not recognizable at running on Drupal (work in
>progress). Are there others who care to deliberately hide that the
>site is on Drupal beyond the visual aspects? What are some common
>Extensive and proper use of URL aliases would be on.
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