[consulting] Drupal marketing show case sites by industry

Andre Molnar mcsparkerton at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Nov 20 21:30:32 UTC 2007

I wonder.

What specific marketing objective does the association hope to achieve 
by showing wide adoption?

I suppose that versatility is a differentiator - but if the direction of 
marketing is to position Drupal as 'something for everyone' - the plan 
is flawed.

Kieran Lal wrote:
> Hello, as part of Drupal's marketing efforts we are trying to
> demonstrate that Drupal is widely used by demonstrating show case
> sites by type, geography, and now by industry.
> We have set up a wiki page so we can get some help:
> http://groups.drupal.org/node/7190
> Your help in identifying show case sites would be appreciated.  I
> think you might find it useful when you clients ask if you there any
> Drupal sites in their own industry.
> Cheers,
> Kieran

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