[documentation] Docs issue queue component list feedback

Addison Berry drupal at rocktreesky.com
Sun Aug 17 10:54:15 UTC 2008

Hey folks,

So over in the issue queue Zirvap (Hilde) and I have hammered out a  
new list of items for the "component" list when creating a new docs  
issue: http://drupal.org/node/236767. It currently lists outdated  
books, making it hard for people to know where to put things. We  
worked out a new list based on the type of task, rather than the  
books.  This is an easy enough thing for me to change technically but  
before I do, I want to make sure we are happy with the list since we  
won't be changing it again willy-nilly. The reason we can't chage the  
components on a whim is that any existing issues that have a component  
that is no longer on the new list will get a validation error when  
commenting on the issue. What does that men? Here is an example:

This issue (http://drupal.org/node/70206) on permissions documentation  
is currently using the "Admin Guide" component. When we switch to the  
new component list (and Admin Guide will no longer be an option), then  
the next time someone goes to post a comment to that issue they will  
receive a validation error when they try to submit. They will have to  
select a new, available component to submit their comment. Now this is  
't horrible but it is annoying and will probably be confusing for  
folks that don't understand what is going on.

Soooo, that means I only want to do it once. :-) Please have a look at http://drupal.org/node/236767 
  and chime in. I don't want the haggling to go on forever though. ;-)  
I'd like feedback this week (and if you are fine with the list as is,  
please give your +1 as well) and we'll make the change during the week  
of DrupalCon Szeged (Aug 27 - 31).

Thanks all
- Addi (add1sun)

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