[documentation] Proposal to deprecate the docs mailing list

Angela Byron drupal-docs at webchick.net
Fri Nov 21 02:28:30 UTC 2008

On 20-Nov-08, at 7:40 PM, Joshua Brauer wrote:

> Comments below. I'm NOT a fan of the idea of deprecating the mailing  
> list for the reasons below.

While I was originally in favour of the move to g.d.o on the grounds  
that most people find web interfaces more friendly than e-mail, I  
actually found myself nodding along with basically all of Josh's points.

If the main idea is to have central rallying points for organizing  
stuff, then... why not do so right on Drupal.org?

For example, http://drupal.org/please-review-my-patch is a sort of "ad- 
hoc" page that members of the Drupal 7 core development team use to  
escalate issues up to me that are either "quickies" that could be  
committed while I'm on one of my many daily phone calls, or that  
really need core maintainer intervention because they are dead-locked  
in discussion or need architectural advice. And, unlike  
groups.drupal.org, drupal.org has no problem displaying the revision  
log: http://drupal.org/node/309321/revisions. And finally, it's really  
nice because you can do short-hand [#xxxxx] to automatically link to  
relevant issues.

Not sure if this will address the current needs of the docs team, but  
it's worth a thought?

But the bottom line is that g.d.o's current subscription and  
collaboration options are pretty lackluster compared to the power e- 
mail affords; until the situation improves, we are probably jumping  
ship too soon. The Documentation issue queue can be used for web-based  
conversations and comes complete with a very clear signal of whether  
an issue is dealt with or not, and handbook pages work better than  
g.d.o anyway for wiki-style collaboration.


More information about the documentation mailing list