[support] How to make drupal friendly to Wordpress / blog users?

dondi_2006 dondi_2006 at libero.it
Tue Jan 17 15:59:12 UTC 2006

> Op dinsdag 17 januari 2006 15:52, schreef dondi_2006:
> > So the question is, if/how it is possible to make a Drupal
> > Website look/act like another blog from this point of view?
> > Which settings, plugins, whatever?
> I think that is a small question with a HUGE answer.

Just to make sure that there are no misunderstandings,
note that I do *not* want nor need that Drupal becomes
as easy to install and manage as Wordpress (whatever that
means). I have no problem to hack php code and similar,
if the result is good. I "just" want to know how to make Drupal-generated content easy to process for *others*, namely the bloggers visiting my site, that is:

1) friendly to all those technocrati-like pingy things,
   aka blog search engines, so blog users see/find my
   stuff quicker, and my content is also listed in those
   search engines.
2) show at the bottom of my pages all those "trackback
   this", "permalink", "pingback that" buttons that casual
   bloggers know how to use to link to my pages from their
   vanilla WordPress installation (which in turn, if I
   understand it correctly, would make my pages more
   visible also in blog-specific search engines, right?)

> ...
> A distro would be the route to take. But choosing,
> searching and finding all the modules, settings, special
> configs, themes, theme-engines etc is a tough job.

Yes, that's exactly the kind of info I hope to gather
with my request.

>though  am certain that if there are a few volunteers who
> are confident they can maintain such a drupalBLOG distro

Maintain, no, thanks (also because I don't exactly need a
drupalBLOG distro, see above: I need something that *looks*
like a blog to others, not to me the webmaster). But 
posting here one final summary of everything is suggested,
 so somebody can easily insert it in the official docs,
that I will do for sure

Thanks in advance for any further feedback. Let's start
listing all these plugins/themes/whatever!


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