[support] I need help with upgrading The Daily Gotham

blogdiva at culturekitchen.com blogdiva at culturekitchen.com
Sun Jul 2 16:06:15 UTC 2006

Sorry I am sending this out on a Sunday, but it's the only day I have  
had to take care of this.

I am trying to upgrade from which is running on Drupal 4.5 to  
either the latest CivicSpace or the latest Drupal 4.6. I can't  
upgrade to 4.7 because there are modules I am using that have not  
been upgraded to that distribution.

Here's what I did :

After reading most of what is in the pages under


I followed the instructions at


This is what I did :

1. Copy dailygotham.com to dailygotham_upgrade

2. Copy liza_dailygotham to liza_dailygotham_2

3. I deleted everything in dailygotham_upgrade

Now, I uploaded CivicSpace 0.8.2 BUT because it has CiviCRM, it's  
spewing this crap

> Fatal error: Unknown column 'severity' in 'field list' query:  
> INSERT INTO civsp_watchdog (uid, type, message, severity, link,  
> location, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (0, 'php', 'Unknown column  
> 'newmsg' in 'where clause' query: SELECT COUNT 
> (*) FROM civsp_privatemsg WHERE recipient = '0' AND  
> newmsg = 1 AND recipient_del = 0 in /home/liza/domains/ 
> dailygotham.com/public_html/dailygotham_upgrade/public_html/ 
> includes/database.mysql.inc on line 66.', 2, '', '/ 
> dailygotham_upgrade/public_html/upgrade.php', '',  
> 1151855156) in /home/liza/domains/dailygotham.com/public_html/ 
> dailygotham_upgrade/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 66

4. What should be my strategy here? I have looked high and low for  
the page that had all the distributions of CIvicSpace but cannot find  
it. It would seem to me that I would have to get 0.8.1 before  
upgrading to the latest stuff but cannot find any of the old  
distributions ANYWHERE.

5. Anyhow, given that CiviCRM is conflicting with the upgrade, should  
I upgrade Drupal only?

6. What would that mean for the CivicSpace modules I am running?

Liza Sabater, Publisher

TEL - 646.552.7365
AIM - cultkitdiva
SKYPE - lizasabater

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