[support] Forcing a category on a CCK form

Adam Gaffin AGaffin at nww.com
Thu Oct 26 19:12:01 UTC 2006

Apologies in advance if there's a simple answer to this, but:

We publish static articles outside of Drupal but would like to give each
article a Drupal dicussion area. I've used CCK and the content_taxonomy
module to create a new node type that allows for both an article-ID
field and a taxonomy dropdown. Is there a way, however, to force a
particular taxonomy ID so that, for example, an article on "security"
would automatically create a node under our Drupal "security" taxonomy
(similar to the way you could do, say ?q=node/add/forum/17 for a forum


Adam Gaffin
Executive Editor, NetworkWorld.com
agaffin at nww.com / (508) 490-6433 / http://www.networkworld.com
"I programmed my robotic dog to bite the guy who delivers the electronic
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