[support] Multiple blogs, automatic cross posting

Christopher M. Jones cjones at partialflow.com
Thu Sep 4 14:07:43 UTC 2008

I think I already know the answer to this question, but I thought 
somebody might have better ideas.

My wife's blog is growing, and she wants to start a second one. We've 
got her blog pretty well organized into a taxonomy, and it's one 
particular term in the taxonomy that she wants to become a second blog. 
However, the posts she writes for the second blog should also show up in 
the first blog, along with comments, etc. So, essentially, what she 
wants is a second blog as a 'view' on the first blog. I guess that's the 
answer to my question. I need to create a view. Any other good ways to 
do this?

Also, each blog needs to be either its own domain or its own subdomain.

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