[support] About Drupal and update request

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jan 20 19:25:17 UTC 2009

Quoting iomeneandrei <aborruso at tin.it>:

> Hi all,
> probably my english is not so good and I'm not able to explain my problems.
> Please be patient I'm trying again.
> I know that in drupal I have a connection between my apache and mysql
> server, and I know the ports of both.
> My question is not about my servers. My question is which URLS and ports are
> called when I make an "update request" (/admin/reports/updates)? I know that
> I'm using my servers, my ports and my URLS, but I know too that I'm calling
> some external sites to have a report about the status of my installation?
> What about this external sites (or site)?

The answer resides in the DRUPAL_ROOT/modules/update/update.module file.

Earnie  http://r-feed.com
  Make a Drupal difference and review core patches.

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