[support] Bullet points in FCKEditor

Lev Lafayette lev at vpac.org
Wed Dec 22 21:35:06 UTC 2010

Hello Drupalites,

Yesterday I upgraded our intranet Drupal site, core and modules, including Drupal core 6.20 and Wysiwyg 6.x-2.2 (with FCKEeditor).

Users are reporting that the bullet points (list items) for GUI editor - which I don't use - are not appearing.

My only suggested workaround at this point is to disable rich-text so they can see the html source or run a preview. This is not satisfactory in the long run.

I don't have great knowledge of the internals of such editors, and I am also wondering whether others have experienced the same issue.

Looking forward to your assistance,

Lev Lafayette, Systems Administrator, Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing, lev at vpac.org
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