[support] Ubercart - Amazon Display Style Swap Out of Multiple Images Per Product

Moses Elias (2) iom at netvision.net.il
Sat May 15 21:10:20 UTC 2010

I want to use Ubercart with multiple images per product, wherever that 
is necessary. Such as where certain products come as a pair or set 
(blouse and skirt, for example) but are added to cart or billed as a 
single item.

I am looking for an Amazon style solution where clicking on or hovering 
over one of the (smaller) secondary images swaps out the (larger) 
primary image and is replaced by the secondary image. Again, clicking 
the primary image itself opens a new window with the primary image 
enlarged and displayed in it.

Here is an example of what I mean:


Using Ubercart and Lightbox2 I am at the stage where primary images show 
up OK and enlarge when clicked, but I don't know where to begin 
implementing an Amazon style display solution with multiple image swap 
outs as I described above.

Any pointers on what to do or references relating to code snippets would 
be greatly appreciated.


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