[support] problem in user profile with fields and picture

Serhat Sevki Dincer jfcgauss at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 08:31:46 UTC 2011


I have tried everything, including Chrome dev tools to play with css
properties, and still it doesn't work (including clear:none in
:after). Did anyone (in D7) :
- allow profile pics (which float to right by default in modules/user/user.css)
- added a couple of fields to users (like name surname)
- use a theme that keeps profile pics floated-to-the-right (like
Marinelli, Danland, but not Bartik)
and manage to not have a vertical gap between the 1st and 2nd filelds
in user profile equal to the height of the picture, like the attached
screenshot in my original mail below ?

I am using those themes as is, no modifications, I think it does not
have anything to do with the theme actually. I am guessing it is about
THE clearfix class in system.base.css (which is apparently a
fundamental fix being used everywhere in drupal. see
http://perishablepress.com/press/2009/12/06/new-clearfix-hack, so
probably I should not mess with clearfix, but then user profiles look
very stupid).

Any ideas/help is greatly appreciated,

note: my original mail

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