[support] Legacy PHP script

Chris Miller cjm at tryx.org
Sat Jan 31 17:23:38 UTC 2015

Hi Folks, 

I have a legacy php script that displays a form, accepts input and posts back to itself, where it looks for a non-zero $_POST array to decide if it is processing or displaying. In the event of process, it updates a database and redirects to a thank-you page. Simple. 

I put this script in /site/default/files/form.php and I href'd it to a picture. When I click the picture, I get the text of form.php, not the result of processing. I have discovered that if I put the form on a different website, then I do get execution, so apparently Drupal is able to suppress php execution within its URL space. How do I bypass anti-execution restriction for this legacy script? Or, how do I incorporate this legacy script into an existing Drupal site? 

Thanks for the help, 

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