[themes] Dreamweaver CS3 Extension for Drupal Themeing

Laura Scott laura at pingv.com
Tue Aug 7 19:31:49 UTC 2007

On Aug 7, 2007, at 12:13 PM, Peter Apokotos wrote:

> On Aug 2, 2007, at 2:21 PM, Kieran Lal wrote:
>> Peter, could you pick the most appropriate group on http:// 
>> groups.drupal.org and then work with the g.d.o folks to get a  
>> chipin fundraiser started to build the dreamweaver extension.
>> How about $3K for starters, and see how many folks chipin?
>> In the last Drupal user experience survey of 2000 administrators,  
>> theming was consistently the number one issue of most important,  
>> hardest to do for most Drupal admins.  It's my understanding a  
>> weak implementation of Dreamweaver extensions for Mambo brought a  
>> lot of designers to Mambo simply because they could recognize the  
>> tools they needed.
>> Also, any necessary changes to Drupal 6 that would need to be made  
>> to support the extension could still fall under the code freeze if  
>> you started now.
>> Cheers,
>> Kieran
> I am disabled and have been since late 2004 and I am on the waiting  
> list for Social Security Disability here in Florida where there is  
> a two year backlog.
> And the only other money I generate since becoming disabled is  
> selling most of my personal belongings and the $100.00 a year I  
> make with Google Adsense.
> And I have child support and other bills on top of that like my  
> doctor visits and pain medication.  Unless my lawsuit against the  
> company that caused my disabilities in the car accident that  
> totaled my car by their Semi I don't think that I can personally  
> afford this 3k myself.  I was thinking that it wouldn't cost  
> anywhere near that much just for an extension of course I have seen  
> Dreamweaver extensions that are 299.00 and think "are they out of  
> their mind?"
> At 3K we would need:
> 600 people to donate $5.00 each.
> 300 people to donate $10.00 each.
> 200 people to donate $15.00 each.
> 150 people to donate $20.00 each.
> 120 people to donate $25.00 each.
> 60 people to donate $50.00 each.  And I would be willing to do  
> this?  Are there enough Drupal/Dreamweaver Meb Monkeys out there  
> willing to pay this amount?

Count me as extremely skeptical that Dreamweaver is anything but a  
web 1.0 tool (my rant on this: http://pingv.com/blog/laura/200703/ 
adobes-creative-suite-for-web-1-0 ), but I'm certainly happy to be  
proven wrong. Personally I don't feel that web design requires a  
wysiwyg application, but what seems obvious is that many people --  
and universities -- are resistant or intimidated by CSS. I started by  
hand coding in the early '90s before the various web design apps came  
out, so maybe I'm coming from a different place, but learning CSS  
fundamentals is not rocket science. I feel the real design happens in  
the imagination, and photoshop, illustrator, indesign, inkscape,  
fireworks, etc. All that dreamweaver does is combine the design with  
some auto-generated mark-up, yes? But if dreamweaver can be leveraged  
into making decent markup, that could help a lot of people, it seems.

Is there a proof of concept or proposed architecture for such a project?


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