[consulting] RE: Supporting core Drupal development

Jason Diceman jd-onlist at cooptools.ca
Thu Feb 9 13:56:01 UTC 2006

Hi all (delurk)

I like the idea of giving sponsorship opportunities to Drupal based
business, although I don't think the money _has_ to be for a specific
aspect.  Could be more general.

Another approach might be to encourage all Drupal paid developers to give 5%
of their paid Drupal hours back to the core project.  This way the cost does
not have to be justified to clients.  Of course it would be dependent on the
cooperation of Drupal developers.  Maybe if there is public tracking of who
has made the most contributions it would encourage more people to contribute
and be recognized.

Another model might be to provide a special fee-for-service for posting
highly visible requests and developer resumes.  As a company in need of a
feature I could use the service to have my features request highly visible
and to have the request sent to all the subscribing developers. As a
developer it could give me more opportunities to be hired.  


I'm there are many other good ideas out there.

 - jd - -

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