[consulting] CiviCRM / Drupal integration expert

Matt Chapman matt at ninjitsuweb.com
Thu May 6 03:37:02 UTC 2010

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Christian Pearce <pearcec at xforty.com> wrote:
> * The comments about changing the template system doesn't work cause it runs
> on Joomla as well.

CiviCRM doesn't use Joomla's templating system either; it uses Smarty.
You could certainly run Drupal core 'inside' of a Joomla template. In
that case, the 'theme' would be nothing more than the default
templates. Joomla users would be no worse off that they are now, and
Drupal users would be far better off.

FYI, for anyone interested in actually moving forward with this idea,
it seems the "Drupal CRM" project is gaining some traction again
today, and I'm personally making an effort to ensure that a CiviCRM
migration path is seriously considered. See
http://tinyurl.com/drupalcrm for some rough notes. OpenAtrium was
being considered as a possible basis, but the project seems committed
to Drupal 7 already. In any case, there is a strong desire to package
functionality as 'features,' so assuming a D7 version of Atrium &
features module, interoperability will be no problem.

All the Best,

Matt Chapman
Ninjitsu Web Development

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