[development] let's cleanup /misc

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Wed Dec 28 10:47:01 UTC 2005

Tell me if I get annoying, okay? But here is how Ruby on rails does it. Again, 
I think RoR Just Got It Right.

The idea comes from three things:
1: Revision control. it must at all means map 1-1 to a complete project SVN 
(or somthing alike it) repository. 
2: Security. On your production environment you never (ever) want anyone to be 
able to access any of your code or scripts. Even if you can disallow this 
with .htaccess. (for fun: get out there, google for ?q=node urls, and open up 
3: Development. have all your development tools and unit testing stuff at 

Here is the tree. below tahat, I present a simplified version that could do 
for drupal.That is an exerpt from my work on drupalCOM. (I still have to 
figure out how to map it to cvs tracking, hence I did not work it out 

|-- Rakefile
|-- app
|   |-- controllers
|   |   |-- admin_controller.rb
|   |   |-- application.rb
|   |   `-- store_controller.rb
|   |-- create.sql
|   |-- helpers
|   |   |-- admin_helper.rb
|   |   |-- application_helper.rb
|   |   `-- store_helper.rb
|   |-- models
|   |   |-- cart.rb
|   |   |-- line_item.rb
|   |   `-- product.rb
|   `-- views
|       |-- admin
|       |   |-- _form.rhtml
|       |   |-- edit.rhtml
|       |   |-- list.rhtml
|       |   |-- new.rhtml
|       |   `-- show.rhtml
|       |-- layouts
|       |   |-- admin.rhtml
|       |   `-- store.rhtml
|       `-- store
|           |-- display_cart.rhtml
|           `-- index.rhtml
|-- components
|-- config
|   |-- boot.rb
|   |-- database.yml
|   |-- environment.rb
|   |-- environments
|   |   |-- development.rb
|   |   |-- production.rb
|   |   `-- test.rb
|   `-- routes.rb
|-- db
|   `-- create.sql
|-- doc
|-- lib
|   `-- tasks
|-- log
|   |-- development.log
|   |-- production.log
|   |-- server.log
|   `-- test.log
|-- public
|   |-- 404.html
|   |-- 500.html
|   |-- dispatch.cgi
|   |-- dispatch.fcgi
|   |-- dispatch.rb
|   |-- favicon.ico
|   |-- images
|   |   `-- rails.png
|   |-- index.html
|   |-- javascripts
|   |   |-- controls.js
|   |   |-- dragdrop.js
|   |   |-- effects.js
|   |   `-- prototype.js
|   |-- robots.txt
|   `-- stylesheets
|       |-- depot.css
|       `-- scaffold.css
|-- script
|   |-- about
|   |-- breakpointer
|   |-- console
|   |-- destroy
|   |-- generate
|   |-- performance
|   |   |-- benchmarker
|   |   `-- profiler
|   |-- plugin
|   |-- process
|   |   |-- reaper
|   |   |-- spawner
|   |   `-- spinner
|   |-- runner
|   `-- server
|-- test
|   |-- fixtures
|   |   |-- line_items.yml
|   |   `-- products.yml
|   |-- functional
|   |   |-- admin_controller_test.rb
|   |   `-- store_controller_test.rb
|   |-- mocks
|   |   |-- development
|   |   `-- test
|   |-- test_helper.rb
|   `-- unit
|       |-- line_item_test.rb
|       `-- product_test.rb
`-- vendor
    `-- plugins

******** drupal *********

|-- app
|   |-- modules
|   |   |-- aggregator.modle
|   |   |-- etc
|   |   `-- watchdog.module
|   |-- theme-engines
|   |   `-- phptemplate
|   `-- themes
|-- sites
|   |-- site1.com
|   `-- site2.com
|-- database
|   `-- create.mysql etc (also update.inc)
|-- doc
|   `-- INSTALL etc
|-- includes
|-- public
|   |-- index.php
|   |-- favicon.ico
|   |-- images
|   |   `-- druplicon.png
|   |-- index.html
|   |-- javascripts
|   |   |-- controls.js
|   |   |-- dragdrop.js
|   |   |-- effects.js
|   |   `-- prototype.js
|   |-- robots.txt
|   `-- stylesheets
|       |-- depot.css
|       `-- scaffold.css
|-- script 
|       |-- install.sh 
|       |-- generate_module.sh 
|       |-- environment_change.sh
|       `-- generate_theme.sh
`-- vendor
    `-- plugins

Hope it helps :)

 PGP ber at webschuur.com
 PGP berkessels at gmx.net

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