[drupal-devel] PO-files missing in contributions

Stefan Nagtegaal Drupal-Devel at Frontaal-Online.com
Wed Feb 2 09:25:46 UTC 2005

I have checked out the contributions, to know which modules do mis the 
*.po-file for translation purposes.

In the list here, you'll see which modules still need a po-file generated:
- actions;
- admnotify;
- affiliate;
- album;
- amazon_items;
- amazon_search;
- anyfilter;
- api;
- article;
- atom;
- attached_node;
- attachement;
- auction;
- automember;
- autopath;
- binder;
- blogadmin;
- bloggerauth;
- blogroll;
- bookreview;
- cafepress;
- captcha;
- clipper;
- codefilter;
- collimator;
- commentcloser;
- commentrss;
- contactdir;
- contextlink;
- copyright;
- cvslog;
- daily;
- dba;
- delicious;
- dkosfilter;
- donations;
- download;
- dwiki;
- ecommerce;
- edit_temaplate;
- emailpage;
- excerpt;
- ezmlm;
- fckeditor;
- feature;
- filebrowser;
- filemamanger;
- fileserv;
- fixentities;
- flickr/flickrauth;
- foaf;
- folksonomy;
- fontsize;
- form_mail;
- forms;
- friendlist;
- gallery;
- handango;
- htmlarea;
- htmlcorrector;
- htmltidy;
- im;
- image_browse;
- image_filter;
- import_export;
- importpage;
- inactive_user;
- inset_paragraph;
- jsdomenu;
- keyword_links;
- lanparty;
- latex;
- Idap_addressbook;
- Idap_integration;
- legal;
- libdb;
- listhandler;
- livediscussions;
- livejournal;
- livesearch;
- macrotags;
- mail;
- mail_archive;
- mailalias;
- mailhandler;
- marksmarty;
- mass_url;
- massmailer;
- memebers;
- menu_otf;
- mime_registry;
- moblog;
- mypage;
- navigation;
- navlinks;
- navtable;
- news_page;
- nicelinks;
- nmoderation;
- node_aggregator;
- node_image;
- node_import;
- node_privacy_byrole;
- nodewords;
- og;
- oldwarning;
- optin;
- opusfilter;
- over_text;
- paypal_framework;
- paypal_subscription;
- paypal_tipjar;
- pdfview;
- periodical;
- poormanscron;
- popup;
- postcounr_rank;
- project;
- quickpost;
- quicktags;
- quotes;
- recipe;
- recorder;
- relatedlinks;
- review;
- revision;
- ride;
- role_to_file;
- rsvp;
- scripturefilter;
- secions;
- series;
- shamu;
- shoutbox;
- sidebar;
- sidecontent;
- simpletest;
- site_map;
- site_menu;
- spam;
- spam_mtbacklist;
- spellcheck;
- stats_plot;
- stock;
- style;
- subscriptions;
- summary;
- survey;
- svn;
- swish;
- sxip;
- syndication;
- tag;
- taggame;
- taxnav;
- taxonomy_access;
- taxonomy_block;
- taxonomy_browser;
- taxonomy_context;
- taxonomy_dhtml;
- taxonomy_hide;
- taxonomy_html;
- taxonomy_image;
- taxonomy_menu;
- taxonomy_multi_edit;
- taxonomy_otf;
- teaser;
- tec;
- tellafriend;
- term_access;
- term_statistics;
- textile;
- theme_editor;
- theme_dev;
- title;
- trackback;
- typecat;
- upload;
- upload_indexer;
- urlfilter;
- userposts;
- validation;
- variable;
- vocabulary_list;
- volunteer;
- wallpaper;
- waypath;
- webserver_auth;
- week;
- weight;
- wmfilter;
- workflow;
- workspace;
- ystock;

Above listed module all are missing the PO-file!!! Which is quite a 
lot... Please place the PO-file in a subdirectory of your module, called 
'po', so youll get:
'$module/po/$module-module.po'.. (Maybe we should write this down in the 
contribution guidelines?)

Also when we are currently in a code freeze, we should generate new 
PO-files of the drupal core.. Anyone wants to take this??


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