[drupal-devel] Working around node_access in node/add

Andre Molnar mcsparkerton at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 16 07:06:09 UTC 2005

Mark wrote:
> Mark wrote:
>> Well, actually, it works for any node of a module with a name that 
>> comes before "relativity" alphabetically.  It won't work for 
>> story.module, for example.  Looking over menu.inc, it appears that the 
>> later path items overwrite previous ones of the same path.  I suppose 
>> I could rename this module "zzrelativity" to put it at the end? ;-)
> Any suggestions on how to make this module override other modules' 
> settings with menu.inc given the reverse-alphabetic priority?  I'm 
> considering a feature request for menu.inc to allow modules to specify a 
> 'priority' attribute to resolve path conflicts.  Dynamic security 
> modules would tend to want higher priority than regular modules.
> Thanks,
> -Mark

Oddly enough this topic has come up with a partial resolution for path 


Different situation, but the thread should be of interest to this 


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