[drupal-devel] Drupal foundation / non-profit

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Sun Jul 3 14:15:26 UTC 2005

On Jul 3, 2005, at 1:05 AM, Boris Mann wrote:

> On 2-Jul-05, at 9:16 PM, Kieran Lal wrote:
>> CivicSpace Labs is now a non-profit organization.
>> Since all our code is Drupal code except install.php, the  
>> configure module, and soon to be obsolete Contact Manager.
> *cough* install system *cough* :P
>> We are about as close a match to a Drupal foundation as you are  
>> going to get.
>> Does that work for you all?
> Not unless you want to change your name to "The Drupal Foundation",  
> appoint Dries to lead it, and canvas the developer community to  
> make up the rest of the board :P
> Seriously, Drupal needs its own independent entity, I believe. If  
> you want to funnel money from US donors, that might be something  
> work looking into.

Sure, understood.  In the mean time I'll try to get you a rough idea  
of the costs and time it took set up CivicSpace Labs as a non-profit,  
which I believe is a 5013c.

I am pretty sure it took several months, I'll let you know who our  
lawyers are.  I assume we spent more than the $5500 you are about to  
take in legal and other fees(trademarks, banks, filing papers, phone  
calls) getting it accomplished.  But Drupal might be able to get more  
legal aid than we were able to.   If you need a stop gap solution  
since you dealing with lawyers, the IRS, and a mostly volunteer base  
and you have to get it done in 10 weeks or so then we would be happy  
to help make sure everybody gets paid on time.  I assume there will  
be some costs associated with setting up a US bank account, getting  
checks, having legal contracts written up and reviewed.    At  
CivicSpace labs we have been going through all of this for the last  
several months and it's expensive and takes time.

So Drupal foundation, absolutely let's do it.  We will help with  
advice and referrals as much as possible.  Getting a Drupal  
foundation that can cut checks to the interns in the next 10  
weeks...it's going to be tough but doable.

Kieran takes off CivicSpace Labs hat.

I have served on the Board of Directors of the Waterloo Cooperative  
Residence Incorporated and Appalachian Long Distance Hiker's  
Association.  I have some knowledge of getting boards organized and  
running.  I am not looking for a seat, just want to personally offer  
help to get the Drupal foundation up and running.  Let me know what I  
can do to help.


> --
> Boris Mann
> http://www.bmannconsulting.com

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