[drupal-devel] performance improvements - avoiding big unserialize()

Herman Webley herman.webley at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 18:33:45 UTC 2005

Potential problems:

1. This file will have to be writeable by the web server.
2. This file will be writeable by the web server

On 10/21/05, Konstantin Käfer <kkaefer at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I just took a short and tiny benchmark with a multidimensional array
> containing 65 KB of data stored in 2048 different values. It took PHP on
> my machine about 0.01 seconds (average value after 256 rounds) to build
> the source for the array and write it to a file. And loading the file is
> extremely fast anyway as we can simply include it.
> I saw that PHP_Compat from PEAR [1] has an emulation function in their
> library.
> Regards,
> Konstantin
> [1]: http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_Compat

Best regards,
Herman Webley

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