[development] Re: [drupal:dries] /modules contact.module

Karthik narakasura at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 18:38:46 UTC 2006

On 14/01/06, Stefan <drupal-devel at istyledthis.nl> wrote:
> IMO this patch introduced even more inconsistencies in core than we
> already had..
> Look at the way this patch dealed with HTML-tags inside the _help().
> We never did that this way..
> %category is IMO user submitted data, which is NOT translatable
> through drupal! It isn't now, and should never be wrapped through t().

This is my patch. Please check:

You will notice that this is not introducing *more* inconsistencies in
core.. These inconsitencies were already there.

Please also check:

where I've stated that I don't understand at this point in time what
the best practices are for the usage of url() and l(), and I'm also
unsure of adding markup to t() calls - I'm told that it's accepted,
but that I should keep it to a minimum. I've left all the URL calls in
the _help t() calls as they are until I've done some reading up..


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