[development] Evil hack: admin/modules without memory restrictions

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Sat Jan 21 08:16:34 UTC 2006

Op zaterdag 21 januari 2006 07:18, schreef Gerhard Killesreiter:
> While I agree that these things would be
> nice to have, it would make more sense to start simple...

A thought I recently had was to load the modulles smarter. Instead of loading 
them all we should think of a way to:
 * load a module
 * add the hook_help description output to $descritions[$modulename]
 * de-include that file (this is the hard part :)
 * whipe the file from memory (can PHP do that) 

I think that this can be done by freading and evalling the modules.

 [ Bèr Kessels | Drupal services www.webschuur.com ]

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