[development] internal link filter & master filter list

Martin Afanasjew martin-lists at afanasjew.de
Fri Jul 7 14:28:55 UTC 2006


Ray Zimmerman wrote:
> I'm considering writing a simple input filter module to handle internal 
> links [1]. It would take paths like node/99 and prefix them with the 
> appropriate base_path. I have two questions:

I wrote such a simple filter [1] for a project of mine. But since it is 
a bit hackish, I hesitated to contribute it. It also does some SPAM 
protecting e-mail address rewriting too. It should be the very last 
filter in an input filter chain. Valid Syntax is one of the following:

{internal URL}
{link text|internal URL}
{e-mail address}
{link text|e-mail address}

Hope that helps. Or might even get in shape to become a contributed 
Drupal module.

> 2. Can anyone suggest an alternate solution to the problem I'm trying to 
> solve [1]? On a related note, I believe ideally, the Links package [2] 
> should handle internal links as well as external ... not sure if that's 
> the intention ... Scott?

I know of no (elegant) solution, either.


[1] http://misc.afanasjew.de/drupal/linkrewrite.module

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