[development] In 4.7 you can assign regions to any template (node, comment, etc.)

Moshe Weitzman weitzman at tejasa.com
Wed Jun 7 15:05:38 UTC 2006

pretty cool. thanks for writing this up.

sometimes i long for the module provided regions that i think you coded into 
a version of the regions patch way back when.

Nedjo Rogers wrote:
> I at least had overlooked the fact that in 4.7 we have the ability to 
> assign regions not just to the page but to any other PHPTempalte 
> template, e.g., node.tpl.php. I've updated the handbook with 
> instructions on how to do this, http://drupal.org/node/29139.
> This approach should allow much more flexibility in theme design and in 
> block coding for targetted areas, though some care will be needed to 
> make it work intiutively. Issues include:
> * Users may be confused if they assign blocks to a region that only 
> appears on node pages
> * Need to distinguish between full node listings and teasers.
> See also this issue http://drupal.org/node/67681

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